Wednesday, September 28, 2016

George Weigel: It's deplorable

At First ThingsGeorge Weigel has a Column discussing the 2016 US Presidential Election.  He begins discussing some historical (but not long ago) examples of people 'shooting from the lip' and the consequences that ensued.

He then proceeds to discuss Clinton and her "Deplorables" comment, and its' implications for the future if she is elected.  He then goes 'equal-opportunity' and discusses Trump.

He concludes his piece:
The Republic is in deep trouble.

I would only reiterate  my observations:
We are witnessing the death of America.
I've been thinking that there have been five (5) fatal blows to America in the last three years, and now we are watching the body collapse.

Read his entire article.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Archbishop Chaput at Notre Dame

Charles Chaput, the archbishop of Philadelphia, delivered the 2016 Tocqueville Lecture at the University of Notre Dame, on 15 Sept 2016.

It is an excellent talk and well worth reading in its' entirety.